
MongoApp is a GUI based tool that allows you to run MongoDB on the Mac.

View the Project on GitHub yildizberkay/MongoApp

Download App (ZIP file)


MongoApp is a GUI based tool that allows you to run MongoDB on the Mac. The app is developed using Python, TkInter and MongoDB.

Current version: 0.2.6

MongoApp Screenshot

Download .app file

The latest version of MongoApp is available from GitHub repo as ZIP file.

Download ZIP file and click the MongoApp icon.

Running from source

$ git clone
$ cd MongoApp/
$ python

How can I access MongoDB?

MongoHub Mac is a open source project for Mac OS X. You can manage the database with GUI.

You can check links section for moreover.

Where is data folder?

MongoApp creates a folder under /Users/UserName at first time. All data files are stored under this folder.

MongoDB Drivers

You can find MongoDB driver list under the docs.


If you find a bug, please create an issue.

MongoApp is developed by Berkay Yıldız



Semantic Versioning is used in this project.


MongoApp is released under the Apache License and MongoDB files (under bin/ folder) is released under the GNU AGPL v3.0.